How It Works

Schedule a Consultation Call

One of our Credit Specialists will dig deep into your current situation, your future goals, and your expectations. We then Generate and Analyze your 3 Credit Bureaus for inaccurate and damaging items that can be removed. Our Dispute Team will construct and send effective attorney drafted Dispute Letters to all 3 Bureaus demanding deletion. You will be updated every step of the way, as we work on your file. We send new Disputes every 35-40 days.


We continue to dispute till we have removed all damaging information. You will soon get to enjoy the Credit that you have always DESERVED. During the entire process, we will keep you informed of all the changes that are taking place and are available to answer any questions that you might have. You are our PRIORITY and we are here for YOU.

We also will be sharing Credit Building tips and strategies with you, so that we can truly maximize your credit scores.

We Manage

We aren’t just a Credit Repair Company; we are here to MANAGE your credit and finances. We will be right by your side when it’s time to buy a car, a house, rent an apartment, file your taxes, plan your financial future, budget and spending, etc. Your Financial Future is our PRIORITY.

Awesome Benefits

We have a HUGE network of Dealerships, Realtors, Lenders, Tax Professionals, and Insurance Companies that give our clients special treatment, pricing, and rates. We will help you get the best pricing, the best rates, and the best service that you have ALWAYS deserved. Just for being a loyal client.

Our Services

Cape Credit Repair LLC have Successfully Removed:

  • Late Payments

  • Collections

  • Inquires

  • Repossessions

  • Charge offs

  • Evictions

  • Bankruptcies

  • Judgements

  • Medical Bills

  • and more

Credit Repair Boost Credit Score Cape Credit Repair

We Work With

We Work With


Get the expert advice you need to quickly and effectively correct your credit. With our credit analysis and consultation by one of our credit experts, you will be taking the first step towards getting Great Credit.

Our focus is on you and how improving your credit can improve your life. We’ll help you improve your finances immediately.

Contact Us


  • (239)738-5148

  • 4009 Villa Doria Ct North Fort Myers, FL 33917

© copyright 2025. Cape Credit Repair LLC